In Ireland, more than 500,000 people have difficulty with literacy, numeracy and digital literacy tasks. This means these people may be unable to fill in a form, vote, search the internet, or stay in touch with family or friends online. Adult Literacy for Life, and SOLAS wanted to start a conversation about how difficulties with literacy, numeracy and digital literacy affects everyone, everywhere.

Every day we are presented with new information and new technologies that we have to get our heads around. The world speaks a new language now, ‘I’ll just DM you’, and if you weren’t born in the last fifteen years, it can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming! Many of us think that the ‘train has left the station’ and it’s too late for us to get on board. The old adage, ‘You can’t teach an old dog new tricks’ gets amplified in our ears and we feel ‘maybe it’s just me that doesn’t understand how this or that works’. This can really affect our confidence, making us feel isolated and even ‘stupid’ that ‘I’m the only one’. 

Adult Literacy for Life and urbanmedia created a partnership that looked to change this stigma, and created a campaign called “Stay in Touch”. We wanted to assure people that they are not alone in feeling this way & there’s no such thing as a stupid question. Literacy, numeracy and digital literacy is a right and everyone in Ireland should be able to interact with and navigate the modern world with confidence.  

Through this partnership, urbanmedia and Adult Literacy for Life raised awareness and educated listeners with some tips and advice to help them make smart, informed choices, and encourage people to take the next step by highlighting some free local services that are available to listeners. At a community level, showed people how they can support their family and friends who have digital literacy needs.

The heart of the campaign lay in its educational content. Adult Literacy for Life aimed to improve digital adult literacy, recognising the importance of technological proficiency in today’s world. urbanmedia, with the help of STUDIO (our in-house creative agency), created unique localised radio ads that featured tips and insights on navigating technological changes. Tips on Chatbots, DMs, QR Codes and AI, acted as an educational insight into things that have become everyday terminology that some people might not be formally familiar with.


These were delivered in friendly and accessible local voices. By addressing real-life challenges and providing practical advice, the campaign effectively engaged the target audience and sparked genuine interest in adult literacy programs. This was further supported by local interviews with local service users, to highlight local services around Ireland. 

One of the key strengths of the campaign was its localisation. Understanding the tribal landscape of Ireland, We took a unique approach by incorporating local voices into their ads. To enhance the campaign’s impact further, we employed a multi-channel strategy. In addition to radio spots, the campaign was amplified through the stations’ social media platforms to make the most out of the as well as through urbanmedia digital platform UMAX, with ads specifically targeted to adults 35+. This integrated approach ensured that the message reached a wider audience and maintained consistency across various Channels, whilst also allowing us to deliver on key KPIs

The campaign created over 50 pieces of creative across radio and digital audio, as well as 6 digital videos, that we were able to localise to help with brand relevance. It is believed that localised content with contextual copy creates a positive impression of the brand for them, increasing the strength of the connection between brand and consumer as well as building trust in the medium, and this campaign championed this. 

The success of the campaign was not just in its educational content but also in its ability to foster a sense of community connection. Adult Literacy for Life demonstrated a genuine commitment to understanding and meeting the needs of the diverse Irish population.  The effectiveness of the campaign was evident in both quantitative and qualitative measures. Increased engagement on social media platforms, with over 250K digital impressions and a reach of over 200K across Social media channels, this was also amplified by over 500 radio spot ads, reaching over 600K listeners on air. 

Adult Literacy for Life’ radio advertising campaign on urbanmedia in Ireland stands as a shining example of how strategic collaboration, localised content, and a multi-channel approach can lead to a successful and impactful advertising campaign. By focusing on improving digital adult literacy, Adult Literacy for Life not only empowered individuals but also strengthened the bonds within communities across Ireland. This campaign serves as a testament to the enduring power of radio as a medium.

What is the Adult Literacy for Life?

Adult Literacy for Life (ALL) is a 10-year strategy that aims to ensure that every adult has the necessary literacy, numeracy and digital literacy to fully engage in society and realise their potential. A national programme office has been established by SOLAS, the further education and training authority, to implement the strategy. At regional level, sixteen Regional Literacy Coordinators (RLCs) have been appointed in Education and Training Boards, to drive projects and partnerships that will realise the aims of the ALL Strategy.

Why is it important?

In Ireland, more than 500,000 people have unmet literacy needs. Even more have unmet numeracy and digital literacy needs. This means they may be unable to fill in a form, vote, read instructions on medicines, add up a bill or search the web for information. Literacy, numeracy, and digital literacy have a profound effect on a person’s ability to undertake everyday tasks, participate in society and overall well-being.

The ALL Strategy is important because it will help people gain the necessary skills to achieve their personal, social and employment aspirations so that they can take part fully in society. It will also help staff and organisations to be fully accessible to adults with unmet needs, and support a more inclusive, equal society.


Categories: Amplifyonline


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