As the parent of a now 14-year-old girl, Dove’s 2021 Self-Esteem Project brought us the ‘Reverse Selfie’ campaign which really opened my eyes to the challenges that children, especially young girls, face on social media.

The pressure of “the perfect selfie” is something I experienced with my own daughter. It’s an area we talked about a lot in terms of being true to yourself and not getting sucked into this material world.

The Dove campaign is exactly what got us talking.

This was launched slap bang in the middle of the Covid pandemic (remember that?) and it shows the pressures social media can have on children, especially make them think they need to to conform to this image focused world.

A picture can speak a thousand words, but I think so can this video. There’s no catchy jingle, no upbeat music – just a striking 60 second piece, playing in reverse capturing what some young girls go through to try and obtain that “perfect selfie” for social media.

I thought it was really powerful stuff.

Damien Halpin, Account Director urbanmedia

This article is from March’s edition of Urban Media Amplify. For more information or to sign up, visit:

Categories: Amplifyonline


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